Data: Mar. 22-24, 2011
Site: Shanghai, China
Participation: 2000 exhibitors, 60000 visitors
Host: China Chamber of Commerce of Foodstuffs and Native Produce
Contact: Cao Xiaoguang
Tel: 86-10-87109879
Fax: 86-10-87109874
As the leading China trade fair for carpets and floor covering, CICF sponsored by China Chamber of Commerce for I/E of Foodstuffs, Native Produce & Animal By-Products (CFNA), will hold its 38th at Shanghai
International Exhibition Center, China, in March,2011. Exhibitors from all over the world will meet in Shanghai to present a wide array of high quality products.
CFNA, the sponsor of the exposition, is directly affiliated to the Ministry of Commerce of the People¡¯s Republic of China. As the authoritative organization in foodstuffs and animal by-products trade in
china, CFNA dedicates to promote China's food, animal by-products in international trade and cooperation.