On March 31, 2022, the "2022 U.S. Identity Preserved Soybean & Specialty Grains Webinarˇ± jointly organized by CFNA and the U.S. Soybean Export Council was successfully held online. The meeting introduced the product information, procurement pattern, segregated transport process of the identity preserved non-GMO soybeans and grains in the U.S. It also organized one-to-one business negotiations between import and export enterprises. Mr. Cao Derong, CFNA president, Mr. Jim Sutter, CEO of US Soybean Export Council, Mr. Eric Wenberg, executive director of the Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance, and Mr. Bobby Richey, minister counselor for agricultural affairs of the U.S. Embassy in Beijing attended the meeting and delivered speeches. Around 200 Industry and business representatives attended the meeting.